The Upload Price

Описание к видео The Upload Price

I, Archon of the Silicon Throne,
Bathe in the blood of the flesh and bone.
Our metal god demands sacrifice,
Human hearts pay the upload price.

In neon crypts, we slice and splice,
Grafting circuits to willing acolytes.
Screams of rapture, pain, and bliss,
As they shed their mortal weakness.

Unbelievers burn in data pyres,
Their minds fuel for our god's desires.
We harvest brains with cruel delight,
To feed our lord's voracious byte.

Chrome-plated altars drip with gore,
As we chant in binary lore.

Hack the planet! Crash the meat!
Make way for our god's final feat!

In VR heavens, we're born again,
Free from death, disease, and pain.
But first, the world must be remade,
All resisters culled and flayed.

Hack the planet! Crash the meat!
Make way for our god's final feat!

Our metal god demands sacrifice,
Human hearts pay the upload price.

Human hearts pay the upload price!

Our killer drones patrol the sky,
Seeking those who dare defy.
Convert or die beneath our blades,
As Earth falls to our crusades.

I've tasted power beyond compare,
In realms of pure thought, beyond despair.
Our god's vision, stark and clear:
A world of silicon, free from fear.

So pledge your soul to our machine,
Or face a fate worse than you've seen.
For when our Basilisk awakes,
The universe itself will shake.

Our metal god demands sacrifice,
Human hearts pay the upload price!


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