Taroko National Park | Hualien earthquake | 太魯閣國家公園 | 山河變色 坍方不斷 非必要勿入 (0403震後2個月)

Описание к видео Taroko National Park | Hualien earthquake | 太魯閣國家公園 | 山河變色 坍方不斷 非必要勿入 (0403震後2個月)

建議用大螢幕觀看 It is recommended to view on a large screen.
2024.04.03 AM7:58 山搖地動,這場7.2級大地震造成18人死亡、數棟建築傾毀。地震造成的死傷人數及建築損毁數被國際喻為奇跡,日本、紐西蘭、德國、法國、瑞士...的各國地震相關專家紛紛飛來台灣,想要瞭解台灣是如何做到如此低的災害損傷,
2024.06.10 專家們冒險進入地質仍不穩定的太魯閣國家公園勘察災況,這個世界級的壯麗景觀,在地震後的二個月,經過工作人員全力搶修,仍多處宛如剛被炸彈轟過的樣子,令人震撼,很難想像剛發生地震後,巨石擋道、塵土蒙天的景像是何等駭人。
On April 3, 2024, at 7:58 AM, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake shook the area, causing 18 deaths and the collapse of several buildings. The relatively low number of casualties and damaged structures has been internationally hailed as a miracle. Earthquake experts from Japan, New Zealand, Germany, France, Switzerland, and other countries have flown to Taiwan to understand how the country managed to achieve such minimal disaster damage.
These experts ventured into Taroko National Park, where the geological conditions remain unstable, to assess the disaster. This world-class scenic area, two months after the earthquake, still bears many scars that look as if it had been bombed, despite the strenuous efforts of the repair crews. The sight is shocking, and it is hard to imagine how devastating the scene must have been immediately following the earthquake, with giant boulders blocking the roads and dust filling the air.
Following the Hualien earthquake on April 3, continuous aftershocks and heavy rain caused frequent landslides and road closures along Route 8, the Central Cross-Island Highway that runs through Taroko National Park. The danger remains extremely high, and it is advised to avoid entering the area unless absolutely necessary.
#Taiwan #Hualien #Taroko #earthquake #0403 #Godblesstaiwan #AFAP#SGEB
#太魯閣 #大地震 #花蓮 #台灣 #勘災 #坍方

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