On this channel we are here to share with you the gospel, bible teachings, supernatural experiences, prophetic words, encouragement, empowerment and revelations. Our hope is that you get set free and set on fire for Jesus!
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Let's review this story. A trapped father, A desperate son. A clock ticking down towards certain death--and a fate even more horrifying still. In the ultimate rescue, life or death is just the beginning!
For Pastor Alan Rockaway, his teenage son Jeff, and his bride, Jenny, it's little more than a enjoyable submarine ride through Caribbean waters. Instead, an accident turns the dive into a terrifying plunge towards the unknown. This dramatized audio thriller leaves every danger, every risk, and every rescue you've ever imagined in the dust.
About the Judgement to come:
The great white throne judgment is spoke of in the book Revelation 20:11-15 and is the final judgment preceding the lost being cast into the lake of fire. We know from Revelation 20:7-15 that this judgment will take place after the millennium and after Satan, the beast, and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10). The books that are opened (Revelation 20:12) contain records of everyone’s deeds, whether they are good or evil, because God knows everything that has ever been said, done, or even thought, and He will reward or punish each one accordingly (Psalm 28:4; 62:12; Romans 2:6; Revelation 2:23; 18:6; 22:12).
Whichever view one holds of the great white throne judgment, it is important to never lose sight of the facts concerning the coming judgment(s). First, Jesus Christ will be the judge, all unbelievers will be judged by Christ, and they will be punished according to the works they have done. The Bible is very clear that unbelievers are storing up wrath against themselves (Romans 2:5) and that God will “give to each person according to what he has done” (Romans 2:6). Believers will also be judged by Christ, but since Christ’s righteousness has been imputed to us and our names are written in the book of life, we will be rewarded, but not punished, according to our deeds. Romans 14:10-12 says that we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and that each one of us will give an account to God.
Why share this?:
I found this many years ago and it has been a blessing for me I source of reflection of my own heart and a realignment of my focus on what is most important. If you open your hearts to the truth of the Word of God it can do this for you as well, Psalm 26:2 says ‘’Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart.’’ I share this not to put fear in anyone although the bible is clear we must Fear the Lord “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.’’ (Proverbs 9:10) But because I wish none of you to perish as the Apostle Paul says ‘’Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others.’’(2 Corinthians 5:11)
If you are ready to live for Jesus start with saying this prayer “Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.”
Saying the sinner’s prayer is a way of declaring to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ as your Savior. There are no "magical" words that result in salvation. It is only faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection that can save us.
But don't stop there! Your response to salvation should be growing in obedience to the word of God. For faith without works is dead (James 2:26) It’s all about the posture of your heart! (As you will see in this video). Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-39 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
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