Inspiration for Second Chance Game Review

Описание к видео Inspiration for Second Chance Game Review

There have been a lot of games that I wanted to love but was unable to for various reasons. I was inspired by Daryl Talks Games and Ceres Fauna to give them all a second chance. I hope that my journey can be an inspiration to you.

Sources in order of appearance
Dark Souls | Enemy/Item Randomizer | 7-25-21
   • Dark Souls | Enemy/Item Randomizer | ...  
A Misguided Guide To Finishing Your Gaming Backlog
   • A Misguided Guide To Finishing Your G...  
Fauna Plays Outer Wilds: Episode 1 【Jumbo Marshmallow】
   • Fauna Plays Outer Wilds: Episode 1 【J...  
Fauna Plays Outer Wilds: Episode 2 【Feldspar】
   • Fauna Plays Outer Wilds: Episode 2 【F...  

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