Fitting the STONE STOMPER on Nissan Patrol Y62 and Zone RV Sojourn | EP 68

Описание к видео Fitting the STONE STOMPER on Nissan Patrol Y62 and Zone RV Sojourn | EP 68

We did a short video about fitting the Stone Stomper to our car and caravan. We removed the audio and shortened the footage as the wind was so bad on the day of recording that our comments are hard to hear.

Since there are already a few good videos on YouTube explaining the fitting the Stone Stomper it shouldn't be a problem to get the idea. Also the Stone Stomper is custom made for each customer, so the company will guide you through taking all the measurements for your setup.

If you have any questions especially for the setup between the Patrol Y62 (S5) and the Zone Sojourn please leave a comment and we will try to answer as good as we can. :-) Thank you.

Measurements for OUR Stone Stomper to fit the ZONE RV Sojourn Couples Caravan 2023 model and the Nissan Patrol Y62 S5:
Van Width = 2400mm
Support Bar Position = 950mm
Main Toe Pin Distance = 1885mm

Everything else you need to measure on your car model and forward/talk to Stone Stomper when placing the order.

Enjoy :D

AS (Ann & Simon) Nomads living the dream, travelling Australia.

Thanks for tuning in and following us. This channel is our connection to family and friends here in Australia and most importantly in Germany and other parts of the world, whereever they live. Since travelling internationally has been so hard and over a period of time even impossible we decided use our channel to invite you all to follow us virtually.
Please don't be offended when we here and then switch languages. Our mother language is German and we would like to help our German (non English speaking) family, friends and followers to be part of our journey and new chapter in our life. So if we switch to German we will try to add undertitles in English so you know what we talk about. And vise versa - talking in English we will add German undertitle. Thank you for your understanding, your support and your feedback. xxx Ann & Simon

Dieser Kanal ist der Vlog zu unserem Blog (und vorher, in dem wir mit unserer Familie und unseren Freunden in Deutschland in Kontakt bleiben.

Wir sind 2008 von Deutschland nach Australien ausgewandert und wohnen und arbeiten seit dem in SE Qld, nördlich von Brisbane.
Wir versuchen mit diesem Vlog, trotz aktueller Reisebeschränkungen bzw. VERBOTE (dank Corona/Covid19) den Kontakt zu unseren Lieben in der nördlichen Hemisphäre aufrecht zu erhalten und sie ein wenig an unserem Leben teilhaben zu lassen.

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Viel Vergnügen hier und viele Grüße aus Down Under
Ann & Simon


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