Keyhole aortic valve is revolutionizing patient recovery.

Описание к видео Keyhole aortic valve is revolutionizing patient recovery.

One great benefit of surgery today is that in experienced hands we are able to do this operation to replace your aortic valve with one of these valves or in fact any of the valves I've described through a small cut between the ribs on the right hand side. Now the beauty of this is this cut heals in seven or eight days.

You'll be back to normal activities extremely quickly and because it preserves the breastbone younger patients are choosing a tissue valve through here recognising the use of TAVI as that technology improves over time as a potential solution, but also recognising that if they need repeat surgery, then the breastbone has never been opened and we can do repeat surgery very easily by just doing a small cut into the bone later in life if surgery is the only solution.


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