what should I do with my poinsettia after Christmas

Описание к видео what should I do with my poinsettia after Christmas

What should I do with my poinsettia after the Christmas season? Your poinsettia will continue to grow with proper care. You can transplant your poinsettia if you would like, I transplanted mine that my friend gave me (not pictured) into miracle gro potting mix. If you decide to trim the poinsettia down it will come back more fuller than before providing food is given to the plant. If you take your poinsettia outside after the temperatures are 50 degrees or above don't put it in full sun you will scorch the leaves you want to keep it in the shade until it gets used to being outside. My poinsettia gets late afternoon sun when it is outside. I've never put mine out in full sun. Always water your poinsettia with room temperature water, mine get watered with rain or melted snow. If you use city water let it site for 24 hours for the chlorine to dissipate from it before watering you plants. One thing you don't want to do with a poinsettia is over water it. Poinsettias don't like wet feet.


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