28 Minutes Of Ambush Bear Attacks

Описание к видео 28 Minutes Of Ambush Bear Attacks

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Excerpt #1
At one point in her hike, Amber heard a loud and very close “Woof!” to her left. She quickly glanced in the direction of the noise and could see a huge grizzly bear only 12 feet from her. She knew that this was a critical point in the confrontation, as she had clearly surprised the bear as much as it had surprised her. She knew the grizzly would either attack her or bolt in the opposite direction, and hoped for the latter.
Amber knew that given the proximity of the run in, her best option was to play dead. She turned to her right and dropped to the ground in the nearest bush, hoping that her backpack might absorb any attack from the grizzly. By the time she did this, she could already feel the grizzly pressing into her back. She could feel a powerful slap from the grizzly on her back and its claws tearing into her arm. She reached down to her bear spray, which she had holstered on her hip, and flipped the safety guard off.
That is when she felt the bears teeth clamp onto her skull. The back of her head was the easiest portion of her head for the bear to access, so that is where it drove its teeth. The bears canines pierced and fractured her skull, popping her bones and sending fragments into her brain.
Excerpt #2
After approaching Field the bear swatted at him and clawed him. It watched him for any signs of life and he knew if he didn’t move he may be able to convince it he was dead. After clawing the man up severely it scraped up sticks, leaves and mud from all around him as the hunter lay flat on his stomach. He fought the urge to look directly at the bear and focused on playing dead. With any luck he could convince the bear that its powerful initial blow had killed him and he worked hard to lay still and silent.
After the bear had spent the better part of an hour scraping duff over Fields body, it padded around him sniffing and watching him. Soon it disappeared and he could only hope it had left for good.
As soon as he stood to his feet the grizzly roared from the nearby bushes and attacked him once again.
The grizzly cuffed him with each of its paws, back and forth several times. Each swat from the bears paws tore clothing, skin and muscle tissue with ease. The bear bit huge holes in his legs and arms and used its claws to shear gashes into his flesh. As the bear continued to tear Field limb from limb, consciousness faded and his body went limp.
With Field unconscious the bear undoubtedly thought he was finally dead. It bit onto his lower leg and dragged him for about a mile with his lifeless body bouncing over rocks and through stabbing brush.
After it was convinced that it had moved Field to a more preferred location, it again began to scrape duff, mud and sticks over his body to bury him in a second food cache.
Excerpt #3
Melinda’s only thought was that she was finished as she stared up at the bear from her back. The bear had taken her down by tripping her with its paws and was now standing over the top of her. It clamped its jaws on her head and raked parts of her scalp away from her skull. Melinda was in shock nearly instantly and didn’t report hearing any flesh tearing or bones breaking, but was powerless to escape the speed and aggression of the bear.
As Melinda did her best to protect herself, the bear bit and clawed her head, hip, and back as it viciously attacked her. As she rolled and yelled, it bit and clawed her toward the edge of the woods in front of her house. At several points in the attack, Melinda yelled at the bear to “Stop it” as the pain of each bite seared through her body, but the black bear would not relent.
Each time she rolled to her stomach the bear would swat and bite her forcing her to roll further from her house. It alternately bit onto Melinda’s hip and shoulder to carry her a short distance until the pair was just off the shoulder of the road, across from Melinda’s house. It continued to maul Malinda peeling her pants and undergarments from her body during the attack.
Suddenly the bear stopped attacking Melinda and sat down beside her. Melinda was terrified as she thought of what was next to come. She figured the bear would either continue to carry her into the woods farther or eat her where she lay.


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