Leakage/Drainage current test - Parasitic Draw - Motorbike - Animation - Watch b4 buying new battery

Описание к видео Leakage/Drainage current test - Parasitic Draw - Motorbike - Animation - Watch b4 buying new battery

If you haven't riden your bike for a while and you notice that your battery is deeply discharge, this is a sign of a hidden load or leakage current draining your battery.

Set your multimeter to A, disconnect the positive terminal of the battery. Connect one end of the multimeter to the disconnected terminal and the other to the disconnected cable.

Ideally the reading will be 0, however any number below 5mA is acceptable.
If the reading is above that, it could be:
• Faulty switch
• Frayed cable
• Incorrectly fitted extra (ie alarms, heated grips, extra lights etc)

Pro tip:If the reading is anything above 0, it's recommended to charge your battery between ridings and monitor the charge level. Alternatively fit a battery master switch, so you can separate your battery from the electric system for the times when it is off the road for a longer period.


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