HATCH作品 | 极氪中心 · 南昌万象城 | ZEEKR Center · Mixc Nanchang

Описание к видео HATCH作品 | 极氪中心 · 南昌万象城 | ZEEKR Center · Mixc Nanchang

ZEEKR Center · Mixc Nanchang

Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi

Type: Retail

HATCH与极氪来到江西南昌,携手打造极氪中心 · 南昌万象城。与以往店铺有所不同,这家极氪中心由一大一小的两个独立店铺组成。后场空间的布局围绕氪吧台与论坛区展开,此外还配套有办公室、储物间等功能性空间。其中,极氪吧台是回应城市在地特质的核心设计,灵感来源于南昌的城市古建筑地标一滕王阁。滕王阁以其“明三暗七”复杂结构闻名遐迩我们对此元素进行提炼并呈现当代化转译,在吧台设计中融入简约的格子元素,致意滕王阁的建筑之美以及古代工匠的智慧。吧台整体采用咖红色(南昌红)打造,形成与滕王阁的另一层呼应。
HATCH and ZEEKR have come to Nanchang, Jiangxi to create ZEEKR Centre Mixc Nanchang. Unlike previous shops, this ZEEKR Centre consists of two separate shops, one large and one small. The layout of the backlot space is based around a Krypton bar and forum area, in addition to functional spaces such as offices and storage rooms. The core design of the ZEEKR Bar is a response to the city's local character inspired by the Tengwang Pavilion, an ancient architectural landmark in Nanchang. The Tengwang Pavilion is famous for its complex structure of "three bright and seven dark", and we have refined and contemporized this element by incorporating a simple lattice element into the bar design, paying homage to the architectural beauty of the Pavilion and the wisdom of ancient craftsmen. The bar is finished in a curry red colour (Nanchang Red) creating another layer of echo with the Tengwang Pavilion.


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