Dmitri Voloshin Cold Pole run. Oymiakon.

Описание к видео Dmitri Voloshin Cold Pole run. Oymiakon.

On January 8, the extreme Moldovan sportsman Dmitri Voloshin arrived in Timtor. Dmitri is planning to run 42 km at minus 50 oC. By this race he wants to raise awareness about cerebral palsy. The marathon is held as a part of the Unfrozen project.

“I was training for this marathon over the year. Last year, I ran the marathon at the North Pole, but now I decided to run it in the coldest place on Earth, in order to help the little girl named Eva Pismenyuk, who suffers of cerebral palsy”, says Dmitri.

The marathon at the Pole of Cold, which the Moldovan sportsman will run, represents the sequence of the charity events organized by Dmitri and his team in Moldova.

The Unfrozen project was accepted by many people, and the money for Eva’s rehab is already raised. The project will function in order to help other children that suffer from cerebral palsy.

“I sincerely urge both professional and amateur sportsmen to run not only for personal records, but also to do it for those who need help. Do something not just for the sake of the ambition, but for the sake of something that is good and true!”

It is important to note that Dmitri relies only on his own forces and is not leaning on the help of medical and rescue workers. The two friends that Dmitri has taken with are his only support at this point in Yakutia.

Voloshin says: “the race should take place at the lowest temperature we can wait for.” To be ready for the main race and to check the security of the equipment, Dmintri has ran several distances at minus 48 oC.

In Moldova, Dmitri owns several companies, one of which aims to promote amateur sports in the country and organizes various sporting events, for example, Chisinau International Marathon. Some of Dmitri’s projects are social and charitable.

For more Dmitri Voloshin's sporting achievements, visit


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