Urbex: ABANDONED Medical Clinic with HOMELESS

Описание к видео Urbex: ABANDONED Medical Clinic with HOMELESS

Happy Valentine's Day! I get asked many times if I've come across the homeless and what I would do. Maybe this video will answer that question. While exploring, I ran into two homeless people in this abandoned medical clinic located in Central Florida before I explored it, but I believe it is home to many more. I offered each $20 after I was done, and told them to go grab some food. They were extremely grateful. They chose not to be shown on camera, so I granted their wishes. It was a fun but awkward explore, and I hope you enjoy! Love you guys! You've all been great friends and teammates!

Thanks to one of my viewers, I was able to ascertain some information about this 5.500 square foot clinic. It opened in 1986 treating many ailments from the common cold to bone fractures. It was owned by the local hospital but closed in April of 2003 due to financial difficulty. The hospital wanted to sell it before the end of 2003 to recover the financial losses and to add new equipment to the hospital as well as add a new doctor to the area, but needed permission from the city to do so. Due to the nature of their lease with the city, they didn't think a sale would be possible. Now, 12 years later of abandonment, it appears that was the case.

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