BFUMC Children's Church Online - Love In Action

Описание к видео BFUMC Children's Church Online - Love In Action

Romans 12: 9-18
In our story this week, Paul share with us what God expects of us in how we love one another. God says to love ALL people. No matter if they are the same as us or different from us. HE says we are to love those who are kind to us and yes, even those who are unkind. We are to treat one another as equals and not to think we are better than anyone else. God wants us to live in peace with everyone. I know that sometimes that is really hard to do especially if someone is mean to us, or does something that we don’t think is right. However, God wants us to love one another as HE loves us.

Your craft for this week is to create a love banner. Take a big piece of paper and in the middle of it write “You Are Loved”. Then decorate it with designs, flowers, and words that describe ways that you are loved or that you can love. ( Hug, Pray, Smile, Share, etc). Then hang it on your fridge to remind you each day that Jesus Loves You!


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