Jonathan Oppenheim: A post quantum theory of classical gravity

Описание к видео Jonathan Oppenheim: A post quantum theory of classical gravity

I will present a consistent theory of classical systems coupled to quantum ones via the path integral formulation. The dynamics is linear in the density matrix, completely positive and trace-preserving. We then apply the formalism to general relativity, since it's reasonable to question whether spacetime should have a quantum nature given it's status within quantum field theory. In the classical-quantum formalism, the measurement postulate of quantum mechanics is not needed since the interaction of the quantum degrees of freedom with classical spacetime necessarily causes collapse of the wave-function. Any such classical quantum theory necessarily has an experimental signature which can be used to test the quantum nature of gravity. I'll conclude with an update on the current status of the program.

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About QISS

The Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime ( is an interdisciplinary research initiative among several universities and research institutes all over the world, supported by the John Templeton Foundation through the grants and, coordinated from The Samy Maroun Center for Space, Time and the Quantum (

The goal of QISS is to explore and connect the research domains of Quantum Information/Computing, Quantum Gravity and Quantum Foundations. Main objectives are to found the physics of quantum spacetime on an information-theoretic basis, to bring within reach empirical access to quantum gravity in 'table-top' laboratory conditions by exploiting rapid advances in quantum computing related technologies and using quantum information theoretic concepts, and to promote an extensive interaction between physicists and philosophers on the conceptual role of information in spacetime physics.


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