Yabusame: Horseback Archery of the Samurai

Описание к видео Yabusame: Horseback Archery of the Samurai

On June 27, guests had the unique experience to see the traditional martial art form of Yabusame ("horseback archery") as practiced on the Mokuba ("wooden horse"). Participants received an introduction to Yabusame and its development as a training tool for the Samurai, before getting the chance to try shooting using the traditional Yumi ("Japanese longbow") and Kaburaya ("turnip-head arrows"). The demonstration was presented by Kiyomoto Ogasawara, the 32nd Head of the Ogasawara-Ryu, with assistance from Tim Macmillan and Maria Peterson of Redwood Kyudojo (http://www.redwoodkyudojo.com/) and the Ogasawara-Ryu America Branch (https://www.iccho-ogasawara-ryu.com/).

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