Elections 2024 | Electoral Commission issue political funding fourth quarter disclosure report

Описание к видео Elections 2024 | Electoral Commission issue political funding fourth quarter disclosure report

Thirteen political parties have received over 172 million rand in donations. This was revealed in the IEC's fourth quarter political funding disclosure report. The report covers the period from the 1st of January to the 31st of March 2024.
For the first time since the inception of the Party Funding Act, the declared value of donations has surpassed the R100 million mark in any one quarter.

The DA declared the highest number of donations for the fourth quarter at over 65 million rand whilst, Roger Jardine's Change Starts Now, which won't be participating in the May 29 polls, received over 35 million rand.

The IFP received a 20-million-rand donation from the Oppenheimer family. The ANC got over 16 million rand in donations and Songezo Zibi's Rise Mzansi declared over 15 million rand. The EFF declared over 2 million rand in donations from companies associated with Patrice Motsepe.

Joining us to unpack these figures is Robyn Pasensie, political researcher at My Vote Counts.

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