Solo Flawless Spire of the Watcher Season of the Wish - Empowered Ager's Stasis Titan

Описание к видео Solo Flawless Spire of the Watcher Season of the Wish - Empowered Ager's Stasis Titan


My god, this was really easy, obviously, a couple close calls, but I was playing extremely confident. I cleared this first try after doing a couple of weapon testing. This really shows just how much more difficult Ghost of the Deep and Warlord's Ruin is. The fact that I nearly beat my old video involving PRE-NERF STARFIRE PROTOCOL AND BUGGED WELL OF RADIANCE DAMAGE, it really shows just how much they upped the difficulty of dungeons, as well as shows just how much stronger we were now compared to before.

Loadouts, I chose Ager's Scepter, Heliocentric QSC, and Cold Comfort. There was very minimal amounts of swaps, essentially only needing to swap a couple seconds before DPS, and switching back after DPS, unlike my Warlord's Ruin, where I had 7 LOADOUTS. This only need 2 Loadouts, so it is much more simple.

Now for those wondering why I chose to Empower Ager's Scepter instead of using my Behemoth super, it was because the super is REALLY BAD without Synthoceps. The Harpy boss can't be hit since he is a floating boss, and the platforms are too narrow, and he runs away from you. The Wyvern boss has potential for the super to work, but I just found the super to be extremely unreliable in that room. I can trigger Synthoceps by shooting the Goblin's head off and having them run berserk and chase me, but they will instantly die when I cast super and I lose Synthoceps. This is what I would have ideally would have ran for Hefnd's Veangeance to utilize my super.

00:00 Opening and Jumping Puzzle
4:30 Ascending the Spire
8:12 Akelous, The Siren's Current
17:56 Descending the Tower
21:35 Persys, Primordial Ruin
36:35 Loadouts

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