The New Teen Titans Anti-Drug Giveaway #1 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Описание к видео The New Teen Titans Anti-Drug Giveaway #1 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. In this episode, Linkara continues PSA Hell Month with a comic put out by the New Teen Titans!

Originally uploaded May 14th, 2012.

ORIGINAL INFO: Marijuana: the number one cause of people getting angry at funerals.

RUMINATIONS: Really, any time I get to talk about the Titans is a good day. At some point I should really get back to reviewing the other two anti-drug comics, since I do have one or the other (can’t remember which one I have).

And yes, I know, it’s PCP and not POP. What happened there was that when I was just glancing at the word balloons to see what it said (and subsequently type it into my script), I didn’t realize it was a C and thought it was an O, maybe partially faded due to the age of the comic. This stuff happens, but of course everybody likes to talk about little mistakes like that (even recently when I wrote down stuff that was similar to the word balloon, but not exactly due to, again, just kind of glancing at the wording instead of getting it EXACTLY). Now something like what happened here is fine – my mistake, it alters a joke (if not completely removing it) and has potential repercussions down the line for any future jokes in the episode. But stuff like “you said their when the comic said his!” doesn’t actually affect anything, so I don’t get why people become so fixated on it.

This episode also officially made Snowflame a brony, even though Will himself is only a casual fan, at best (although I mistakenly said at cons that he was one, if only because he sure as hell knows more about the show than I do). Hey, drug-crazed supervillains watch TV in their off-time, too, and I imagine colorful childrens’ shows would appeal to people high as hell.


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