Shah Rukh Khan Death Threat News: Suspected Threat Caller Faizan Khan Exclusive On India Today

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Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has received a death threat, following similar threats to Salman Khan. The call has been traced to Raipur in Chhattisgarh, linked to one Faizan Khan. India Today has made contact with him. The Bandra police station has registered a crime in which Shah Rukh Khan was threatened. The most concerning aspect is the frequency of such calls and the negative impact on the country's law and order situation. Faizan Khan, an advocate, claims his phone was stolen and used to make the threatening call. #indiatoday #shahrukhkhan #deaththreat #itwebvideos #raipur #chhattisgarh #faizankhan #bandrapolicestation #lawandorder
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