UP 4014 Arrives in Cheyenne

Описание к видео UP 4014 Arrives in Cheyenne

Following the segment Big Boy down Sherman hill I again spot the elusive Big Boy and attempt to shadow the graceful UP4014 locomotive sliding ever so slowly to an ever increasing parade of admiring followers. My pursuit continues and this chase was quickly getting too intense! So by I-80 we leave a parade to attempt a setup at Ames only to find the parking was by reservation only, so off I a ride, off to the hitchin post to park my trusty ride, Avoiding the suicide crossing of the Lincoln highway. To get a shot of the gathering commotion this giant behemoth of a steam locomotive, he has arrived. And proudly whistled as he went by, so glad to be here UP high! But crossing back, across the highway was a difficult feat. The Depot festivity was so crowded that before I could find parking he shouted out that he was a moving so off and I caught him hiding, before he retired to more relaxed environs that only a true railfan could desire. A more rare look as his crew checking out the tracks as he backs through the center of the yard he will now call home. By the gold dome of the Wyoming capitol to across from the Cheyenne Depot then he releases his load as UP 8448 eases away from the consist the rain storm is gathering and off I must head home.


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