How to daven shacharit on rosh hashanah (shabat abridged for COVID restrictions)

Описание к видео How to daven shacharit on rosh hashanah (shabat abridged for COVID restrictions)

ה' שפתי תפתח ופי יגיד תהלתך
Every year, בעלי תפילה everywhere prepare for the critical and daunting task of leading or maybe representing the ציבור during the holiest of days. It is always a challenge to daven with כוונה while inspiring כוונה in others; to make the prayer a תפילה and not a show but to appreciate and give expression to the תפילה through the traditional and evolving music that is as much a part of it as the words.
This year the task is many fold greater. There is an increased demand for בעלי תפילה as there are many more minyanim. At the same time, in many places there is a need to shorten the davening. Of course our תפילות are more needed than ever at least to my young memory and so while the time may be shorter we cannot allow the brevity of time to reduce the depth and meaningfulness of the davening.
I hope these videos can help those who are preparing to daven for the ציבור.
I (mostly) followed the abridged מחזור put out by Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein and Ohr Torah which can be found in the following link:

As the old lady on 57th street told the young man who inquired how to get to Carnegie Hall - "practice, practice, practice!"

Practicing for ימים נוראים davening is halachically mandated but a few personal recommendations:
1. warn up (humming, sing scales starting low and ascending etc.)
2. VOLUME - practice - out loud (as loud as you will have to wherever you are davening). If you don't work your way up to a marathon you will struggle. If you don't get used to singing in full voice for an hour straight it will not be easy. If you do it 5-10 times in advance you will see it becomes possible and much easier. You don't want to be struggling towards the middle / end of davening, you want to be energetic from beginning to end.
3. WORDS - you don't want to stumble over the words, they do not all flow naturally and easily, once you practice 4-5 times, they flow much better. it is the best סגולה for having תפילה שגורה בפיו.....
4. MELODY / NUSACH - the most essential reason for practicing which encompasses #2 and #3 is so that the davening will come so naturally that instead of having to think about: which note do I sing next? how does this next tune go? what are the next notes? - all of that will be muscle memory and you will be able to focus on the most important part of davening - that is davening.

Please feel free to reach out with any requests
[email protected]
ויהיו נא אמרינו לרצון לפני אדון כל


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