Ernest Rutherford and the birth of nuclear physics

Описание к видео Ernest Rutherford and the birth of nuclear physics

The life and science of the brilliant experimental physicist Ernest Rutherford.

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The Science Fiction Rock Experience ( the music show I produce):
   / @sciencefictionrockexperience  
Discover Maths (with Juan Medina):
   / @discovermaths  
Science World (with Emrah Polat):
   / @scienceworld1  

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My other videos on the history of science:
Planck and the birth of quantum mechanics, 1    • Max Planck and the birth of quantum t...  
Brief history of light part 1    • A Brief History of Light part 1  
Brief history of light part 2    • History of light part 2: Thomas Young...  
Brief history of light part 3    • A brief history of light part 3  
Through the sound barrier with the X-1, part 1    • Through the Sound Barrier with the X-...  
Through the sound barrier with the X-1, part 2    • Through the Sound Barrier with the X-...  
The strange history of the moons of Mars    • The Strange History of the Moons of Mars  
The harmony of the spheres    • The Harmony of the Spheres  
Vulcan: the planet that never was    • Vulcan: the planet that never was  
War of the Worlds    • The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells  
The experiment that changed the world    • The Experiment That Changed the World  
Percival Lowell    • Percival Lowell  
The canals of Mars    • The canals of Mars  
Pythagoras    • PYTHAGORAS 👨‍🎓 The man, the myths, th...  


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