佛山南莊!當地最新樓價!30萬三房兩廳?西樵山美食!冰吊絲丹筍你食過未?CP值極高!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!活在大灣區!一試難忘!遊客集中地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 佛山南莊!當地最新樓價!30萬三房兩廳?西樵山美食!冰吊絲丹筍你食過未?CP值極高!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!活在大灣區!一試難忘!遊客集中地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#佛山 #樓價 #西樵山

餐廳地址:南海 西樵鎮環山大道
餐廳消費:白灼沙蝦 ¥28,薑蔥炒花蟹 ¥38,冰吊絲丹筍 ¥48,陳皮牛肉丸 ¥20
南莊社區、 吉利社區、 羅南村、 南莊村、 紫南村、 紫洞村、 湖沖村、 東村、 上元村、 溶洲村、 堤田村、 羅格村、 吉利村、 龍津村、 醒群村、 村尾村、 梧村、 河滘村、 杏頭村和賀豐村。
1949年11月起,屬南海縣第一支前指揮所轄區。 1987年2月,撤區改設南海縣南莊鎮。截至2021年10月,南莊鎮轄5個社區、18個行政村。鎮人民政府駐禪城區南莊大道西13號。 2019年12月24日,入選全國鄉村治理示範鄉鎮名單。2020年7月,全國愛衛會確認南莊鎮為2019年國家衛生鄉鎮。南莊鎮是革命先烈羅登賢、廖錦濤的故鄉。
Nanzhuang Town is a town under the jurisdiction of Chancheng District, Foshan City. Geographically, it is located in the southwest of Chancheng District. It borders Nanhai District in the west and north, Shunde District in the southeast, and Zhangcha Street and Shiwan Town Street in the northeast. The area under its jurisdiction is 76.7 square kilometers, with a permanent population of 155,000 and 20 village (neighborhood) committees under its jurisdiction. Nanzhuang Town was originally under the jurisdiction of Nanhai City. When Foshan City and Nanhai City merged in 2003, it formed Chancheng District with the original Foshan City and Shiwan District.
Nanzhuang Community, Jili Community, Luonan Village, Nanzhuang Village, Zinan Village, Zidong Village, Huchong Village, Dong Village, Shangyuan Village, Rongzhou Village, Ditian Village, Luoge Village, Jili Village, Longjin Village, Xingqun Village, Cunwei Village, Wu Village, Hejiao Village, Xingtou Village and Hefeng Village.
Since November 1949, it has been under the jurisdiction of the first front command post of Nanhai County. In February 1987, the district was abolished and Nanzhuang Town, Nanhai County was established. As of October 2021, Nanzhuang Town has 5 communities and 18 administrative villages. The town people's government is located at No. 13, Nanzhuang Avenue West, Chancheng District. On December 24, 2019, it was selected into the list of national rural governance demonstration towns. In July 2020, the National Health and Family Planning Commission confirmed Nanzhuang Town as a national health town in 2019. Nanzhuang Town is the hometown of revolutionary martyrs Luo Dengxian and Liao Jintao. In 2020, Nanzhuang Town achieved a regional GDP of 27.189 billion yuan, a total industrial output value of 28.281 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%; industrial added value of 5.929 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7%; wholesale sales of 33.744 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.5%; tax revenue of 3.596 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.6%; high-tech enterprises increased from 11 to 103, and a total of 28 key industrial projects were introduced, with a total investment of 26.3 billion yuan.
Nanzhuang Town has Nanzhuang Su Gong Temple, Nanzhuang Li Gong Temple, Nanzhuang Zhang Gong Temple, Nanzhuang Guan Gong Temple, Zidongwei Street Building Complex and other historic buildings.
According to legend, in the 14th year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty (1501), a man surnamed Luo went south from Zhuji Lane, Nanxiong, Shaoguan, and settled here with his ancestral tablets in bamboo baskets. Later, it became a village and was named "Lanzhuang". Later generations took its homophony "Nanzhuang" and named it. It is a township-level administrative area, hence the name.
The research report of "Top 500 Town Economies in 2024" was released, and Nanzhuang Town in Chancheng ranked 87th


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00:00 Intro
01:01 佛山南莊吉利市場買菜/市場邊早餐檔/瘦肉腸粉雞蛋腸粉
14:43 當地樓價/竟然低至30萬3房2廳?
20:29 前往西樵山腳尋找美食/餐廳充電最方便
23:38 宏八酒樓(環山大道店)/讀餐牌時間
29:37 白灼沙蝦/薑蔥炒花蟹/冰吊絲丹筍/陳皮牛肉丸
46:48 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 ##food tou # #city wa #k #Chinese f #od #walking #our #street #walk #town #arket #chi #a tour #walking downtown #n china #bu #y stree # # #im sum #粵 # #cantone #e #Guangzhou #Can #on #se cuisine # #im sum #Chinese # Food Canton Food #Tour ##Walk in #uangZhou #v #og #gu #ngzhou #stre #t food #eating #chin #se #fo #d # #hine #e fo #d re #ipe # #廣州 #禾蟲 #旅遊 #南沙 ##有機 #蔬菜 #青瓜花 #美 #推薦 #旅遊攻略 # #通路線 # market #r #staurant #lu #ch #eat #explore #morning market #roadside food #market food


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