OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness | TPM | OEE क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है?

Описание к видео OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness | TPM | OEE क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है?

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a key performance indicator used to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of manufacturing operations. It provides a comprehensive view of how well equipment is performing in terms of availability, performance, and quality. Here's a breakdown of the main components:
Availability: This measures the percentage of scheduled production time that the equipment is actually operating. It takes into account any downtime, such as maintenance or breakdowns. It’s calculated as:

Availability= Operating Time/Scheduled Production Time
Availability= Scheduled Production Time/Operating Time

Performance: This assesses how well the equipment performs when it's running. It compares the actual production rate to the maximum possible rate. It’s calculated as:

Performance = Actual Production Rate/ Maximum Possible Production Rate
Performance= Maximum Possible Production Rate/Actual Production Rate

Quality: This measures the proportion of produced items that meet quality standards without rework or defects. It’s calculated as:

Quality = Good Units Produced/Total Units Produced
Quality= Total Units Produced/Good Units Produced

The OEE formula combines these three factors to give a single percentage that reflects the overall effectiveness of the equipment:

OEE = Availability × Performance × Quality

where each factor is expressed as a decimal (e.g., 90% availability would be 0.90).

What is MTBF & MTTR?

एमटीबीएफ और एमटीटीआर के बीच मूलभूत अंतर यह है कि पूर्व अपटाइम को मापता है जबकि बाद वाला डाउनटाइम को मापता है।

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) are two important metrics used in reliability engineering and maintenance management:

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures):

MTBF is the average time interval between consecutive failures of a system or component during normal operation. It is calculated as the total operational time divided by the number of failures that occurred during that time. MTBF is often used to assess the reliability of a system or component. A higher MTBF indicates that the system is more reliable and tends to fail less frequently.

MTTR (Mean Time to Repair):

MTTR is the average time required to repair a failed system or component and restore it to normal working conditions. It includes the time taken to detect the failure, diagnose the problem, repair or replace the faulty component, and test the system to ensure it functions correctly.
MTTR is crucial in maintenance planning and operations management. A lower MTTR indicates that failures are resolved more quickly, minimizing downtime and improving overall system availability.

In summary, MTBF measures the average time between failures, focusing on system reliability, while MTTR measures the average time to restore functionality after a failure, focusing on maintenance efficiency and downtime reduction. Both metrics are essential in assessing and improving the reliability and availability of systems and equipment.

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