How Sikkim become a part of India ?( সিকিম কিভাবে ভারতের অংশ হয়ে উঠলো?)

Описание к видео How Sikkim become a part of India ?( সিকিম কিভাবে ভারতের অংশ হয়ে উঠলো?)

The Untold Story: How Sikkim Joined India
Sikkim is the second largest and least populated state of India. 28 years later ,after independence of India ,Sikkim became a part of India .The history of merger of Sikkim with India is unknown for a number of people..
This video explain the brief history of Sikkim as well as the sequences.... how Sikkim became a part of India.

Merger of Sikkim with India
Geo-political importance of Sikkim
Sikkim became 22nd state of India
How Sikkim monarchy was ended
sikkim history
sikkim integration in india
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