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The Orphic Persephone, Kore, is said to have become by Zeus the mother of Dionysus who in this case is called Zagreus / and after he is ripped apart and eaten by the Titans just after his birth, he is ressurected as Iacchus, just 3 months later, once again connected to the Solstice leading to the Equinox. Also Bacchus, the main god of Merry-Making wine, and Green & Red Ivy and berry diadems is arguably one of the many cultural influences behind what makes this time of the year so magical.
Now outside of Athens and Eleusis, in particular, Eleutherae, the country of Attica and in places along the western coast of modern day turkey, was the celebration of the Rural Dionysia, the mid-winter Solstice festival dedicated to Dionysus & Apollo and the birth of the new solar year.
The Orphic Hymns invoked by these revelers:
Ἥλιος ὃν Διόνυσον ἐπίκλησιν καλέουσιν.
Helios whom Dionysus invokes."
Orphic Hymn to Helios
And again Orpheus, who equates these figures into one Godhead:
"One Zeus, one Hades, One Helios, One Dionysus."
"But although (Aeschylus) first asserted that Apollo and Sol were the same, and taught afterwards that he Liber (Dionysus), who is Apollo, there is no doubt from these that the Sol and Liber are considered the father of the same deity. This, however, will absolutely be substantiated by more liquid arguments. For when the Sacred Arcane religious observance is held, that when the Sun is in the upper, that is, in the daytime, hemisphere, Apollo is invoked: when in the underworld, that is, at night, Dionysus is invoked.."
Macrobius Saturnalia
"... Now these differences of ages are related to the sun, so that at the Winter Solstice he seems to be a new-born child, such as the Egyptians bring forth from the Adytes on a certain day, that on that very short day it is seen as small baby. His age is set at the summer solstice, when he attains his greatest height in the image of the beard. From then on, by diminutions, the god is represented as the fourth form of an aging man. Likewise in Thrace the same is to be had we take Sol and Liber (Dionysus), whom they call Sabazius and celebrate with a magnificent religion..."
Macrobius Saturnalia
Macrobius, in this same chapter also argues that the rites of Sarapis, Mercury, Hercules, Attis, Adonis, and Osiris are also related to these gods, and that the Saturnalia is not just a festival dedicated to Saturn, but also his grand-children, the dying and rising gods who are represented by the dying and rising sun.
"Sarapis and Sol have one and individual nature. Isis is celebrated in conjunction with religion, which is either the earth or the nature of things underlying the sun."
Macrobius, Saturnalia Book I
Christ was born on the 6th day of January, after thirteen days of the winter solstice and of the light and day of addition." but this day is celebrated by the Greeks, and also by the pagans, on the 6th of January, called by the Romans Saturnalia, by the Egyptians Kronia, and by Alexandria Kicellia.
...those of the idolatrous religion, the leaders and deceivers, in order to deceive the idolaters who are convinced of these, in many places will celebrate the greatest festival on the night of the Epiphany.. First, I was in Alexandria, in the Korreia, that is, the temple of the Daughter. for the whole night awake in song and hallowed to the idol, gnashing their teeth and celebrating with the wailing of mania, they descend with torches into the subterranean cell and bring up a certain statue sitting naked on a wooden bier, with the seal of a cross on them of the forehead gilded and on them two such seals on each other's arms, and two more crosses on the two knees, and five seals of gold engraved, and they will go around this temple seven times, circling the middle temple with courtyards and drums and hymns, come to him underground in the sanctum, being asked what this mystery is, they answer and say that at this hour today the Virign gave birth to Aion. And this is also done in the city of Petra, in that idol in the same way, and in the Arabic dialect praising the Virgin, calling her the Kore, that is, a Virgin, and Dusares, she gave birth to, that is, the Virgin's Only Son. and this also happens in Elousa in the city that same night, (Jan, 6th) as there in Petra and in Alexandria, Egypt.
Epiphanius, Panarion 51
It turns out that this Holy Child, born at the Winter Solstice, by a Virgin, who is called Dusares, is considered by most scholars to be an Arabian Dionysus, a Vine-God, who's devotees engaged in Bacchic Frenzy and Dionysian Revelry, just as forementioned by Epiphanius. And it is here in Egypt that we first see any mention of Jesus Birth, known as the Epiphany, to be celebrated at this time.
#virginbirth #dionysus #christianity
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