top 12 izuku dub

Описание к видео top 12 izuku dub


i just clicked on a buncha old videos and went to a random time and hoped for the best ok i promise i'm up to the newest season now im caught up i swear

... deku haters dni? please i mean like i understand why you dont like him but please dont make me sad by hating on my video or him please :(

for the record i don't see him as a "gay uwu soft clumsy boy" i just i just like it when hes stupid even though he he he isnt really stupid at all

0:02 - S1 E6
0:06 - S1 E4
0:07 - S1 E5
0:08 - S2 E7
0:10 - S1 E5
0:17 - S1 E3
0:18 - S3 E2
0:20 - S2 E7
0:22 - S1 E5
0:23 - OVA S5 E2 (Laugh! As if you are in Hell) i mean this one's more recent
0:24 - S1 E5
0:30 - S1 E3 im like really embarrassed that I made a big deal outta this "ᵐ"


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