In The Dark: The Standedge Tunnels

Описание к видео In The Dark: The Standedge Tunnels

Trevor Ellis is vice-chair of the Huddersfield Canal Society, and has been interested in the Huddersfield Narrow Canal since childhood, when he used to pass by this then-derelict canal and wonder why. He was involved in the restoration campaign from 1976 and has led the Society's volunteer effort for many years. During this time, access to the Canal's most celebrated feature, the Standedge Tunnel, was forbidden, which only served to increase his interest. In 2016, it became possible for volunteer to become "Boat Chaperones", helping private and hire boaters to navigate this difficult tunnel, and some discoveries made in the course of that work showed that existing accounts had serious flaws. He subsequently wrote a book about the tunnels.

Trevor's talk begins with a brief historical background, then follows a trip through the Canal Tunnel from Marsden to Diggle, linking the underground progress to remains on the surface which visitors to the tunnel do not normally see.

* Brief historical background
* Journey through the Canal Tunnel with reference to surface remains
* A brief explanation of developments at the Diggle end of the Tunnel, which was most affected by the subsequent railway tunnels

Trevor Ellis
Trevor is a native of Huddersfield with a long–standing interest in transport, initially railways, but subsequently canals. He has cruised most of the canal system and has become an authority on old postcards, particularly linked to the canal system. He has been Vice-Chairman of the Huddersfield Canal Society for many years.


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