Описание к видео Los Roques • CUARENTENA


Arthur Guillebert, Val Garat and Louka Pitot decided to head to Los Roques for 2 weeks in order to prepare for the start of the season of the GKA World Tour.
They invited filmmaker Charles Tiger to join them on this adventure in order to capture the highlights of what was going to be an action packed trip.
A week after they arrived in paradise, Venezuela decided to close its borders with the rest of the world and get into quarantine in order to tackle the Coronavirus crisis.
No more flights home.
These 3 french athletes and the filmmaker were now stuck on the archipelago of Los Roques for an unexpected yet extraordinary "CUARENTENA".
Charles made the most out of the situation and managed to capture these moments, so sit back and enjoy this incredible human experience they lived.
One they will never forget.

Starring Louka PITOT • Val GARAT • Arthur GUILLEBERT
Supported by Naish • Duotone • Eleveight • Mourouk Ebony Hotel
Thanks to Fabio BARBERI • Play Los Roques • Vllla Caracol • Posada Play

Directed by Charles TIGER
Produced by TIGER Productions


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