Hinduism Vs Atheism: Ultimate Meaning Vs Material Facts

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We live in a world where objective evidence and reason have become the measure of Truth. Based on this premise atheists like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins see theistic religions as irrational superstition.
Having said that Sam Harris does have some respect for the Hindu impersonal ideas (such as Advaitha Vedanta) which state that the ego-self is an illusion. He would not however pay the same respect for the Bhakti traditions.
What he fails to see is that these traditions are not attempting science, they are providing a methodology to discover the ultimate meaning of life. This meaning is found in reaching a transcendent state of Divine Love. The Masters have laid out a path which is specifically designed to take the mind from a physical reality to a transcendent one.
While the Bhakti path may not conform to material truth, it is a higher Divine Truth. To reap the fruit of this, one needs to suspend the mind which insists on logic, only then can one look to experience real Love.


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