CODE LYOKO ENGLISH - EP36 - Marabounta

Описание к видео CODE LYOKO ENGLISH - EP36 - Marabounta

CODE LYOKO - EP36 - Marabounta

When Jeremy deciphers part of Franz Hopper’s journal, he comes across an interesting theory about multi-agent systems. It states that while a lone, small program working alone is incapable of the slightest imaginative response, a group of small programs working together is said to be capable of performing highly-complex tasks. Jeremy believes that a program of this nature would be a fantastic weapon to use against XANA! On the basis of this latest discovery, Jeremy creates a new program he calls, Marabounta! He launches it. At first, “Marabounta” is an effective weapon for our heroes against XANA’s monsters, but before long, things start going horribly wrong!


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