Debate: Hobby Lobby Decision

Описание к видео Debate: Hobby Lobby Decision

The Freedom Restoration Act prohibits the federal government from requiring closely held corporations to provide contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

The National Constitution Center, the Federalist Society and the American Constitution Society convene the first in a series of constitutional debates to be held across America. In the inaugural debate, Frederick Gedicks of Brigham Young University and Kevin Walsh of the University of Richmond argue for and against the motion: "Hobby Lobby was wrongly decided."

This debate was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

--Prof. Frederick Gedicks, Brigham Young University Law School
--Prof. Kevin Walsh, University of Richmond School of Law
--Moderator: Prof. Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO, National Constitution Center
--Introduction: Ms. Caroline Fredrickson, President, American Constitution Society

The opinions expressed in this debate are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation.


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