Hep C Diagnostic Summit 2016 - Session I

Описание к видео Hep C Diagnostic Summit 2016 - Session I

Hepatitis C Diagnostic Summit | September 8-9, 2016 | Tom Harkin Global Communication Center at CDC Roybal Campus
Session I: Diagnosis and Management of Current HCV Infection – From HCV Testing to Cure
Moderators: Michael Fried, MD and Daniel Johnson, MD
Opening remarks & Setting the Stage for the Summit - John Ward, MD, Division of Viral Hepatitis, CDC
Testing for diagnosis of current HCV infection - Lesley Miller, MD, Emory University School of Medicine/Grady Hospital
Testing for management and monitoring of anti-viral therapy - Adrian Di Bisceglie, MD, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO
Testing for relapse versus re-infection and on-going exposures - Brian Edlin, MD, Medical officer, NCHHSTP, CDC
Testing of high-risk and special populations - W. Ray Kim, MD, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA
HCV national surveillance- Scott Holmberg, MD, Division of Viral Hepatitis, CDC
Roundtable of speakers with Q&As

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