Spring Boot RabbitMQ Part 2: Work Queue, Message Ack & Message Persistence

Описание к видео Spring Boot RabbitMQ Part 2: Work Queue, Message Ack & Message Persistence

In this video, we go over what work queue/task queue is and how it is used with a simple example. Then we explain what happens if a listener fails halfway of processing a message and how does message acknowledgement work. Finally, we explain what happens if a broker is restarted while messages are still in queue (In other words message persistence).
Please let me know your thoughts below and I hope I'm helping making any of the above concepts simpler.

0:00 Introduction
0:11 Work Queue
0:51 Work Queue Experiment
1:11 Run Experiment
2:19 Test It works
3:19 Message acknowledgement
4:53 Message Persistence
6:10 Conclusion


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