Is This the Location of Pentecost? Must See Evidence! Pentecost Explained, Feast of Weeks, Shavuot

Описание к видео Is This the Location of Pentecost? Must See Evidence! Pentecost Explained, Feast of Weeks, Shavuot

See and understand Pentecost like never before. See the evidence of where it happened and how. Pentecost, also known as the Feast of Weeks, Festival of Weeks, and Shavuot. This is a biblically based video that will help you understand all about this amazing and monumental event.


0:00 - Intro
2:04 - Meaning of Pentecost & Some Evidence of Where Pentecost Happened.
5:01 - Interesting Facts about Pentecost
6:15 - Pentecost & Entrances to the Temple Mount
7:32 - Summary of Pentecost Meaning
8:46 - Evidence Showing the Biblical Place of Pentecost
18:33 - Pentecost Explained in Detail
30:07 - Faith Lessons about Pentecost for Us Today
36:00 Outro

Places of Interest
1. Temple Mount
2. Royal Stoa – Location close to where Pentecost likely took place.
3. Archaeological, historical, and eyewitness accounts place the location of the first and second temples directly on top of the Dome of the Rock.
4. Solomon's Portico
5. Western Wall
6. Eastern Gate
7. Southern Stairs
8. Antonia Fortress
9. Upper Room
10. Pools of Bethesda
11. Pool of Siloam
12. Pilgrim's Road (Herodian St.) from the Pool of Siloam to the Southern Stairs and Robinson's Arch Stairway
13. Mikvahs by the Southern Stairs
14. Original Altar Location
15. City of David

The Meaning of Pentecost in the Bible
1. Pentecost means 50.
2. Fifty days after Passover, the Jewish feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) was celebrated, which was primarily a thanksgiving for the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, but it was later associated with a remembrance of the Law given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. At this feast, the Jews were to give God the firstfruits of their wheat harvest.
3. Pentecost also marks 50 days from the time the Israelites left Egypt and arrived at Mount Sinai, where God gave them the 10 Commandments and the Law.
4. Pentecost happened 50 days after Passover. There were 40 days from the resurrection of Christ to His ascension, and then 10 days from Christ’s ascension to Pentecost, for a total of 50 days.
5. Interestingly, the Jewish nation was born at Mount Sinai 50 days after leaving Egypt, and the Church was born at Pentecost 50 days after Christ’s resurrection.

Reasons why Pentecost likely happened at the southern end of the Temple Mount.
1. It is unlikely that Pentecost took place in the Upper Room as a multitude gathered and witnessed this astounding event. The Upper Room couldn’t have handled such a large crowd of 15,000–30,000 (Acts 2:1–6).
2. Scripture says the coming of the Holy Spirit filled a house, it doesn’t mention the Upper Room.
3. The temple is referred to as the House of the Lord, or just house, in many places in the Bible (John 2:17; Matthew 21:12-13). House can also refer to just a covered area as well. At the southern side of the Temple Mount, just above the Southern Stairs, was the Royal Stoa. It was a public meeting place with a large roof. This could have been a likely place where Pentecost began.
4. The Hebrew word for "house" in Acts 2:2 is "Har Ha Bait," which means "the mountain of THE house," or simply put, "the dwelling place of God." This meaning would support the idea that Pentecost most likely took place on the Temple Mount, and then the 3,000 who were saved were then baptized in the many mikvehs by the Southern Stairs.
5. The coming of the Holy Spirit happened at nine in the morning, which was the time of morning prayers at the temple. The disciples regularly went to the temple at the times of prayer (Acts 2:15).
6. Many scholars say that during the Passover in Christ’s time that Jerusalem swelled to around 150,000 people or more. The Temple Mount and Southern Stair area could easily have handled the large crowd of 15,000 – 30,000 who gathered at Pentecost.
7. Acts 2:41 says 3,000 were saved and baptized. Around the Southern Stairs are many mikveh cleansing pools that could have been used for baptizing those who were saved.
8. The Southern part of the Temple Mount would have been a natural place for Pentecost to happen as it was a center of public activities.
9. The Upper Room is over one-half mile (.83 Km.) from the Temple Mount, which is a long distance away. Most likely, too far away for a large crowd to move from to the Temple Mount area for baptisms, etc.
10. The Upper Room area was a residential neighborhood, and there's no reason 15,000-30,000 people would have been there when the events of Pentecost happened that drew such a large crowd.
11. The Southern Stairs and southern part of the Temple Mount is the best candidate for Pentecost as they could easily handle 15,000 – 30,000 people. This area also had all the mikvehs necessary for baptizing and space to handle such a large crowd.


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