Do You Feel Like A Failure? 【你觉得你失败吗?】| R U OKAY 【你OK吗?】

Описание к видео Do You Feel Like A Failure? 【你觉得你失败吗?】| R U OKAY 【你OK吗?】

Despite all that you have achieved in life, do you sometimes still feel like a failure?

John Chua (  / johnathanchua  )
Ryan Tan (  / ryanxgo  )
Kelvin Tan (  / mayiduosg  )
Charlene Huang (  / aizaiaisteady  )

For Business Enquiries: [email protected]

This channel is made in collaboration between ‪@TheDailyKetchupPodcast‬ ‪@overkillsingapore‬ ‪@doubleupsg‬


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