An Easy To Understand Sales Prediction Leveraging on AI Machine Learning Linear Regression Model

Описание к видео An Easy To Understand Sales Prediction Leveraging on AI Machine Learning Linear Regression Model

This is a straight forward and easy to understand Python code walk-through with the main objective to predict Sales value in the future day(s). If you are a business owner, or in the management level that desire to make correct business decision. This will be a good starting point for you.
In this video, it starts with creating a synthetic upward trend dataset with Sales value that is randomly generated (in a controlled way). Next, a scatter graph will be plotted with a trend line for you to understand the data visually. Linear Regression revolves around the formula y = mx + c. And this video will also retrieve the m and c values for the predictions.
Towards the ending part, a Scatter plot with the trend line and the prediction line in different color is also plotted. And in the end, a generation of the predicted Sales value for the future 30 days is also generated.
In future videos, will using the same dataset, and perform Linear Regression on Microsoft Excel, and on Power BI, and to compare their results. Stay tuned!


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