One Minute Bunkai: Naihanchi Shodan #4

Описание к видео One Minute Bunkai: Naihanchi Shodan #4

One Minute Bunkai: This is the signature move of Naihanchi Shodan, the initial open hand strike followed by the elbow. This requires extreme close distance for it to work. One should never assume that your elbow needs to reach out and find the target, your target is right there inches away. This bunkai follows the kata very closely and it is absolutely beautiful in how effective it is. The initial strike to the neck (carotid artery) should knock out your opponent, so please keep that in mind when practicing so your partner does not get over zealous and resist because he would not have the consciousness to do so. I always say that Naihanchi stands out as a supreme teacher of very effective fighting principles and applications. Practice with care.


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