6th Annual Russian & CIS Coal Summit 2011, Moscow, Russia

Описание к видео 6th Annual Russian & CIS Coal Summit 2011, Moscow, Russia

Annual Russian & CIS Coal Summit - Russia's largest coal conference for both domestic and international producers, traders and end-buyers.

Each year the Summit provides an overview of the Russian coal market and industry outlook, exploring drivers of supply and demand both for coking and thermal coal.

In 2011 the Summit attracted 180+ delegates and 40+ speakers from over 20 countries.

English and Russian are the Summit's official languages.

Companies that regularly attend the CIS Coal Summit include:

Anglo American ∙ ArcelorMittal ∙ AtomRedMetZoloto ∙ Baltic Coal Terminal ∙ Britannia Bulk plc ∙ Brunswick Rail ∙ Caterpillar CIS ∙ CETCO ∙ Coalimex Group ∙ Dneproenergo ∙ Donetsk Steel ∙ DTEK Coal ∙ Dyckerhoff Ukraine ∙ East Energy Company ∙ Elgaugol ∙ En+ Group ∙ ENRC ∙ Energy Arkon ∙ E.ON UK ∙ Eramet ∙ ESL SHIPPING ∙ Eurosib Spb-Transport ∙ Evraz Holding ∙ Exxon Mobil R&D ∙ Federal Antimonopoly Service, RF ∙ First Freight Company Ukraine ∙ Fortum Energy ∙ Fuelmed Italy ∙ Howe Robinson Shipbrokers ∙ INTER RAO UES ∙ Irkutskenergo ∙ Kosaya Gora Iron Works ∙ Krutrade AG ∙ Kuzbassrazrezugol ∙ Magnitogorsk Steel Works ∙ Mechel Mining ∙ Metinvest Holding ∙ Ministry of Energy, RF ∙ Mitsubishi Corporation ∙ Mitsui & Co. ∙ New Freight Company ∙ Noble Resources ∙ OMK Steel ∙ RASMIN ∙ Raspadskaya Coal ∙ Riga Central Terminal ∙ Rosterminalugol ∙ Russian Railways ∙ RWE Trading ∙ SDS Ugol ∙ Severstal Resource ∙ Siberian Anthracite ∙ South Coal Company ∙ SUEK ∙ Takraf ∙ Terramin Australia ∙ TNK-BP ∙ Transgarant-Vostok ∙ Uglemetan ∙ Ukrenergy Coal ∙ United Industrial Corporation ∙ Ural Steel ∙ Vattenfall ∙ Vostochnaya Tekhnika ∙ World Coal Association ∙ Yuzhkuzbassugol ∙ and many others.

During the eight strategic sessions the speakers addressed all the main questions of the industry in 2011, among them the industry overview, export markets, coking and thermal coal, end-user's requirements & new coal production technologies.


If you have questions regarding the Summit for the current year get in touch with its producer Ales Petric at Adam Smith Conferences

ales [at] adamsmithconferences.com or call on +44 20 3377 3203.


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