Wii Sports - Wii Fitness: Age 20 (Lowest Possible Age!)

Описание к видео Wii Sports - Wii Fitness: Age 20 (Lowest Possible Age!)

Hey you all! Hope everyone is having an amazing day!I decided to do an anticipated video that was on my mind for many years but didn't dedicate my channel for it until now! Getting the lowest score on Wii Fitness (which is just you completing three selected training minigames) is a pretty easy task. All you have to do is get high scores on all of the games. Here's a list of what I played!

1. Returning Balls: It's a pretty self-explanatory minigame! All you do is serve it back to Elisa! You want to be careful of how she serves as you have to hit it back faster or slower than normal! I want to say the bare minimum for hitting the balls back is 45, but I'm still not sure.

2. Hitting Home-Runs: Another straight-forward game! Hitting home runs is all that you do! The bare minimum for receiving a 20 age is to get all of them as home run. There is no distance measured, so it's best to use your best judgement when swinging the Wii remote!

3. Pickup Spares: This one is the most challenging that I've done from the three, particularly the last few stages. The spares are easy at first, but they get progressively harder. I was rushing through and missed stages 18 and 19. Luckily, I was able to fix my mistakes and finish the challenge. This would be the best option to go with to get the Perfect 20 age.

If you enjoyed my video, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel. I plan to make more videos in the future! :)


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