How To Fix Internet Disconnect After Sleep Mode Windows 10 | WiFi | how to keep internet connection active when in sleep mode windows 10 | WiFi Disconnects after Sleep Windows 10
To save energy, Windows automatically disables the Internet connection when the computer goes into sleep mode. This setting logs off the computer user and severs the computer's connection to the local area network, disrupting office network applications and periodic computer updates and messages.
Internet or WiFi gets disconnected after Sleep in Windows 10
We all use WiFi on our Windows 10/8 computers to access the Internet. But many times, we run into different kinds of issues about the usage of WiFi. We have already seen how to fix poor WiFi performance, limited WiFi networks, WLAN AutoConfig service not starting, etc. Today, we are sharing with you, the way to fix the issue of WiFi getting disconnected after you resume from Sleep mode. If you’re connected to a WiFi network, and you move your system into sleep mode, after waking up, the system loses the WiFi network connectivity.
In this scenario, after resuming from sleep, Windows would show that WiFi connections are available, but it doesn’t automatically reconnect, or it doesn’t stay connected during sleep. This would affect your user experience, if you rely upon background processes running on your system like to downloading using Windows Store or Download Manager, etc. So if you’re getting frustrated with this problem, you can try these steps referenced from this wiki article:
Internet or WiFi gets disconnected or does not automatically reconnect
How to Keep WiFi on During Sleep in Windows 10
Many of you might have faced this type of issue where some important task is running on your PC using a Wi-Fi connection, and it gets disconnected in the middle of the activity because the system goes into sleep mode. The consequences of such a situation can be frustrating as it will require you to perform the same task repeatedly. To stay connected to WiFi, it is necessary to ensure that the WiFI connection is active even when it is in sleep mode. But How?
If you are countering network connectivity issues during sleep mode, there is a way to fix it up, and we’re going to show you how to do that. You can use multiple methods to keep the internet connection active when in sleep mode.
Quazi Mahmudul Huq
Head of Faculty
IT System Admin
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#internet #SleepMode #windows10
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