Learning Songs in Spanish. Level 2. Herida Lyrics In english Myriam Hernández.

Описание к видео Learning Songs in Spanish. Level 2. Herida Lyrics In english Myriam Hernández.

Uploaded on 10/03/11 11:04 PM.
I think this video has more Video Transitions than any other video I made for Translations :O.
Dedicated to All viewers and my friend that is her birthday.
So, this is one of her favorite songs :).

Many of the translations in this video are not translated literally.
Many of these ones have longer sentences/phrases in English, this is so it can make sense.
I think I messed up like 30% of the translations, but thanks to my friend Maria Vela, she did fixed the rest, so I owe a lot this time to Maria Vela, she is the one that doble checks my translations before I make the videos :).


0:21 Hiciste renacer my vida.
You made reborn my life.

0:25 Aún sabiendo que lo nuestro no podria ser.
Even though knowing that our (relationship) could not be

0:35 De verte tanto a escondidas.
Of seeing you so much hidden. (by hiding)

0:42 Sin querer
Without wanting/not on purpose

0:44 (I FIND OUT) (TO BE) are just added to make sense.

0:52 And like this, I live my life.

0:58 And like this, I live dreaming.

1:59 Y hoy que estoy en agonía
And today that I am in agony.

02:10 MIRADA

02:13 A través de ti= Through you

02:18 Logré = I managed/accomplished


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