Ralph Martin - I Never Thought I’d See This Happen

Описание к видео Ralph Martin - I Never Thought I’d See This Happen

Recently a very prominent Cardinal, very close to Pope Francis, flat out said he didn’t believe the Catholic teaching on homosexuality and that the Catechism should be revised. And at about the same time the Synodal Assembly of the German Church voted overwhelmingly to advocate for blessing same sex unions. And then Pope Francis at his weekly General Audience seemed to imply that everyone is saved. What’s going on? What should we do?

Links to articles and documents referenced in this video:

Pope Francis' General Audience transcript from February 3, 2022: https://bit.ly/3HTdJCp
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church - Lumen Gentium: https://bit.ly/3BoI1ul
Articles on Cardinal Hollerich: https://reut.rs/3Br5NWx (Reuters), https://bit.ly/3HYVlrV (CNA), https://bit.ly/3LGopXE (LSN),
On the German "Synodal Way": https://bit.ly/3sJCRVX (CNA)

"A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward" by Ralph Martin: https://www.renewalministries.net/ACC

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