Pruning Salvias

Описание к видео Pruning Salvias

Salvias are brilliant! They flower in summer and sometimes through the autumn, depending on the variety. They can be annuals, herbaceous perennials or sub-shrubs.

Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' is one of my favourite salvias. It is a sub-shrub, forming a woody base. It is red and white and sometimes it is all red or all white depending on the time of year. It is very long flowering. It flowers from mid summer until the first frosts. Last year mine was still flowering in November. It is attractive to bees.

Salvia greggii or autumn sage is also a sub-shrub. Mine has purple and white flowers and flowers late summer into autumn.

Salvias like a sunny position in free draining soil. They are great in pots or borders.

Trim Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' in the spring to keep it nice and bushy. Salvia greggii can be pruned to the new growth.


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