Tielman Susato: Dance Suite (Danserye); renaissance bagpipes & cornamuses

Описание к видео Tielman Susato: Dance Suite (Danserye); renaissance bagpipes & cornamuses

A selection of dances from Susato's "Het derde musyck boexken" (the third book of music), Antwerp, 1551. Live, 4K video from the faculty concert at the Recorder Workshop of the San Francisco Early Music Society, July, 2018. Music arranged by Adam Gilbert.
Long a required addition to every renaissance musicians gig bag, Susato's dances are great tunes with four part accompaniments that can be played on a wide variety of instruments. Susato himself advertised the location of his store as "at the sign of the crumhorn."
Dances in this suite: Ronde IV; Ronde VI/Salterelle, Ronde IX
Musicians (left to right):
Rotem Glibert, renaissance bagpipe
Adam Gilbert, renaissance bagpipe
Alexa Haynes-Pilon, bass coramuse
Vicki Boeckman, tenor cornamuse
The bagpipes are made by Paul Beekhuizen, and the cornamuses are made by Phil and Gayle Neuman.


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