Katarina Hill Climb 2024 - Porsche 997 Carrera 4S (3 VIDEOS)

Описание к видео Katarina Hill Climb 2024 - Porsche 997 Carrera 4S (3 VIDEOS)

Porsche Carrera 4S 997 (2007), 355HP

SLO: Katarina Hill Climb v Trbovljah je dirka na primerjalni čas. Vozi se trening, dve vožnji na primerjalni čas in dve prosti vožnji za boljši čas. Na posnetku so druga vožnja na primerjalni čas, prva in druga prosta vožnja. Več posnetkov še zberem iz drugih kotov, sploh tistega kjer sva šla iz ovinka (pa ne enkrat, prvič nisva posnela) :D

ANG: Katarina Hill Climb in Trbovlje, Slovenia, is a time race. You race first in practice, then two runs, where time is compared (closest two times of the same driver wins) then two runs just for fastest time. Included in the video are the second run on time, the first and second run on fastest time. I am still gathering more videos from different angles, especially the second one where we went off road :D (We went off road twice, once we didnt record) :D


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