DCS World P51D flight in 6 DoF and VR - Train Strafing and Anton Takedown !

Описание к видео DCS World P51D flight in 6 DoF and VR - Train Strafing and Anton Takedown !

After successful configuring a FlyPT mover profile specifically for the P51D by Eagle Dynamics.

Trying out warbirds in anticipation for the MOZA force feedback AB9 base.
Wanted to prep for the Hardware release by configuring my simulator, with full sensory effects on (wind, motion, bass shaker, and VR)

Eagle dynamics excels for allowing great Virtual Reality, Motion Telemetry and Joystick support for the various aircraft including the DCS SA342 Gazelle helicopter module.

Bass Shaker feedback effects powered by Andre's Simshaker Software. Wind Effects powered by Arduino and Code by Avenga76 & Craig (SilentChill 6DoF) and Motion enable 6DoF platform enabled on FlyPT motion cueing software

Motion Cueing by FlyPT mover sending telemetry to Thanos AMC controller with Actuators powered by AASD-15A servo motors @tronicgr

Platform: Windows 11
Game: DCS World P51D Mustang

VR pointing device "PointCtrl" for DCS World

DCS World @EagleDynamicsTV


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