Holler & Kimberly (Italy, Acrobatic Roller Skating) - 20th Intern. Circus Festival of Italy (2019)

Описание к видео Holler & Kimberly (Italy, Acrobatic Roller Skating) - 20th Intern. Circus Festival of Italy (2019)

Holler & KImberly - Italy
Acrobatic Roller Skating - Awarded with Ekaterimburg Special Prize & Ente Nazionale Circhi
20th International Circus Festival of Italy
17/21 October 2019
Video Production Your best show
Show Video Direction Riccardo Chiumera
Holler & Kimberly sono due giovani artisti
provenienti dalla Spagna. Rappresentano la
settima generazione della famiglia circense
italiana Zavatta – Bogino e si sono formati
presso l’Accademia d’Arte circense di Verona.
La loro è un’ardita performance acrobatica di
pattinaggio a rotelle intrisa di sensualità, audacia
e di una innegabile componente di rischio.

Holler & Kimberly are two young performers
from Spain. They represent the seventh generation
of the Italian Circus family Zavatta – Bogino, and they trained at the Academy of Circus Arts in Verona. Their act is an acrobatic
rollerskating number with a showstopping performance
that is both sensual and risky.


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