Here's a Quick and Easy Way To Save $10,000
Are you sick of living paycheck to paycheck? Does it seem like you can't save money because you don't have enough extra cash? Well, here's some news, you DO have extra cash, you just can't seem to sacrifice it. Let us give you some insight into this. Well, what do you do with $10,000? Better yet, how do you save that amount? No joke, those are pretty massive digits. It can be quite intimidating too.
Today, we're not just going to talk about the value of saving money and making smart choices that contribute to those big victories but we're also going to tackle why it's important to do it in the way that we're about to show you. Truly, we can promise that some of these topics are life changing.
The first step into saving your $10,000 fast is yep, you guessed it, you have to start today. We have to set a number that allows you to be able to do that and attack this every single day. How do you eat a giraffe? One bite at a time. Let's say if $10,000 is that giraffe, let's set a number. For example, that number is 27 dollars and 40 cents a day. Let's start with that right now. Let's go ahead and try. Oh, no. There's no such thing as "try" here, let's start saving 27.40 cents today. Now, we found our number and no matter what, we're going to save this amount.
Let's go through our budget and see where we can cut back and allow us to save those 27 dollars and 40 cents per day in a way that's easier. If you're asking yourself, "why're we doing this now?" Just think about how many times in a week you waste $27.40. An average person would say around 2-5 times a week. At first, most people would say "It's not that big of a deal. It's only $27 a day. I need to eat, I need to do this, do that. Of course I need my daily vices" whether it be an energy drink, iced coffee, or that incredibly scrumptious Big Mac. The list goes on and on. When we talk about the waiter and delivery services, after the fees, the tips, and all of them combined, it can reach up to $10+.
Now bottom-line, would you waste $27.40? Whether you went to target because they had a good sale, would you do that if you bought an extremely expensive item or would you do that just in your vices that we just mentioned? Okay, so what if you knew that wasting that $27.40 a day was actually $10,000? When we ask this question, "would you waste $10,000?" the answer is always unanimous. "No way! Have you lost your mind? Why would I ever waste $10,000?"
Well, if you want to get more in-depth about these steps and more strategies about it, watch the full-length video! If you found today's video helpful, please leave a like and comment! It helps us grow our channel and deliver these types of videos to a wider audience.
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