HIC Q&A with Sergio Ermotti, Chairman of Swiss Re and Former CEO of UBS @ University of St. Gallen

Описание к видео HIC Q&A with Sergio Ermotti, Chairman of Swiss Re and Former CEO of UBS @ University of St. Gallen

An engaging Q&A session between HIC members and Sergio Ermotti, moderated by Rayan Singh and Elena Mährle and taking place at the University of St. Gallen SQUARE Building.

Special Thanks to Reto Schnarwiler and Dr. Fritz Gutbrodt for their support in the organization of this event.

0:00 Introduction and Opening Remarks
1:12 What do you see as the advantages of getting a college diploma?
3:17 Which key qualities did you possess to take on leadership roles at such young ages (e.g. Merrill Lynch in CH at 27)?
5:29 What are the key soft-skills that are needed to succeed?
7:35 How are you able to build conviction for decisions made against consensus?
10:03: Was the courage to take contrarian decisions intrinsic or something developed?
12:00 Equity & Inclusion: What are some of the key initiatives you are most proud?
14:03 Equity & Inclusion: What is your opinion on the necessity for quota-based systems?
17:38 Were you able to balance your career and family life, and if so, how?
19:45 At Swiss Re, have you replaced the “adrenaline” you had as CEO of UBS?
21:28 What are some key differences the Executive and Non-Executive Role?
22:05 Will European investment banks be able to compete with American players?
25:05 Do you think that some areas or risks will become uninsurable due to climate change?
28:25 What is Swiss Re doing specifically regarding climate risk?
30:00 How should firms like Swiss Re balance net zero ambitions and ensuring energy security?
34:27 What do you think UBS has done differently from Credit Suisse (CS)?
39:00 Is it more important to push your own agenda or the firm's?
41:53 Where do you see and where should regulation head?
45:03 Was your ambition always to return to Switzerland ?
48:01 What is your stance on Florida and offering of insurance there?
50:20 If you go back in time, what would you change?
50:50 Concluding Remarks


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